International Management Consultants

    We are a private consulting company specialising in project management, with a focus on developing countries and emerging markets. 

    Since its establishment in 1976, our company has carried out a large number of assignments mandated by German and international financing agencies, at the service of ministries and institutions in the partner countries.

Our areas of specialisation:

Our areas of specialisation:

Economic Development

This segment has been a priority service area of INTEGRATION from the very beginning with more than 300 projects implemented. Experience includes all relevant development strategies and methodologies and projects integrate supporting components such as entrepreneurship, vocational training, human resource development, environment protection, energy efficiency and the like.

We draw on a broad sector experience and a rich database ranging from agro-processing and manufacturing industries to electronics, ICT and eco-tourism.

  • TVET and Employment

    Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with a focus on employment promotion has been an eminent pillar of INTEGRATION’s work from the very beginning. Based on the belief that effective TVET needs to be demand-oriented and cooperative, one key strength of our work is to support the collaboration of public training providers and private companies.

    We provide capacity building support on all aspects of TVET from the identification of industry needs; development of competencies, occupational standards, qualifications (incl. National Qualification Frameworks) and curricula; training of trainers (in-service and in-company) to assessment and certification, quality assurance and accreditation. We support the identification, procurement, and installation of infrastructure, tools and equipment in training facilities, including also capacity building measures in didactics and instructional design. We work on formal and non-formal TVET and on entrepreneurship (self-employment).

    INTEGRATION promotes employment by supporting labour market information systems, providing career guidance and counselling services as well as supporting matching systems. Finally, we also promote the image of vocational training through public relations and communication campaigns and cater to the important demand of gender equality in TVET.

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    Namibia, 2012 - 2018

    Project Background

    The programme ‘Promotion of vocational education and training in Namibia’ (ProVET) was part of the Namibian-German bilateral cooperation plus the EU co-financed training hub. The main focus hereby lay in the development of standards and vocational qualifications, their implementation at selected vocational training centres (VTC), systems development particularly related to school management and teacher capacity development as well as levy disbursement and broad industry based stakeholder approach.

    Project Objectives

    Programme components:

    The programme was subdivided into 5 main ‘fields of activity’: The consortium was responsible for the components (A) and (D) and supported the implementation of (B) and (C) and (E):

    A) Private and state VET providers increasingly offer reformed and newly developed vocational training in selected sectors.

    • Identification of 15 vocational qualifications with high relevance to the Namibian economy. Support has been provided at all stages of the VET-core process in order to create 15 pilot training programmes
    • Ensuring special attention to the needs of persons with disabilities and mainstreaming HIV&AIDS into curricula and training materials
    • Identification of potential companies for providing cooperative learning experience for students
    • Specification of required infrastructure, tools and equipment and stocktaking of available resources at vocational training providers, VTCs and companies
    • To a certain extent, procurement and installation of required infrastructure, tools and equipment.
    • Support of the selected VTPs and VTCs to fulfil the quality requirements for registration and accreditation (Quality Assurance)

    B) Key elements of the vocational core process (from analysis of training requirements to demand-led training measures) have been improved.

    C) The conditions for financing priority basic and further training measures have been improved as a result of a vocational training levy.

    D) Private sector participation in the process of developing vocational training has been improved.

    • Advising the Namibia Training Autohrity (NTA) on its development of cooperative learning system with a focus on apprenticeship
    • Organising an exchange platform for NTA, the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) and other interested actors to further develop options for cooperative learning
    • Providing support to companies that are engaged in any aspect of workplace-based competency-based education and training implementation (training, coaching, and assessment) of the 15 unit standard based pilot qualifications

    E) Training delivery and training capacity at three selected VTCs have been improved (EU training hub).

    Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ)

    Contract value: € 5,196,248

    Funded by: German TA (BMZ)

    Date: 01/09/2012 - 31/05/2018

    Work areas:

    • TVET and Employment
  • Private Sector Development

    Supporting private sector development, the demand-side of employment, has always been a priority service area for INTEGRATION. Our experience includes the implementation of all relevant development strategies and methodologies such as entrepreneurship promotion and financial literacy; start-up promotion and business incubation; MSME support and Business Development Services; innovation support and technology transfer; access to finance and value chain development. We draw on a broad sector experience ranging from agro-processing and manufacturing industries; machining and mechanical engineering, electronics and ICT to eco-tourism.

    Our work is guided by the concept of sustainable development. We support the change towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive economy, or in other words "Green Economy".

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    Cambodia, 2019 – 2021


    The GIZ project “Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise Development Support Programme in Cambodia” (MSME) aims at improving the conditions for higher growth within and through the MSME sector (module goal). On the one hand, it works at the national level with policy advice while at the same time, it implements pilot measures and tests adapted instruments and methods at the local level.


    The work executed under this contract directly contribute to the project´s aim: The conditions for inclusive growth of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSMEs) sector in Cambodia have improved in selected areas”.

    Specific Objective and Key activities

    The activities under this contract contribute to measures and achievement under AoI 1, i.e. the promotion of MSME business skills. To this end, the contractor will qualify, train and coach Cambodian BDS providers (training of trainers) so that they can offer new training services on thematic modules. And on the other hand, trainings directly targeting Cambodian MSMEs in cooperation with the BDS providers (training on the job) are conducted. Specifically, this includes the following key activities:

    1. Training of didactics for 30 BDS providers
    2. Training of thematic modules for 16 BDS providers
    3. Adaptation of BDS training materials
    4. Preparation of the MSME trainings
    5. MSME trainings in the thematic modules
    6. Coaching of BDS proviers and MSMEs
    7. Recommendations the improvement of the MSME framework

    Approaches will be adapted on the needs of the BDS providers and the MSMEs but the basis of the training materials will be those of SIYB (ILO), GIZ CEFE, GIZ PREMA, GIZ SME Loop training material/capacity development manua.

    Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ)

    Contract value: € 220.873

    Funded by: German TA (BMZ)

    Date: 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2021

    Work areas:

    • Private Sector Development
  • Regional & Rural Development

    Projects in this area correlate closely with other economic development projects and draw on our experiences in these fields. Our project experiences cover areas such as agriculture-based economic development including agricultural value chains; the productive use of energy, notably renewable energy; energy conservation; as well as the development of rural infrastructure and the strengthening of local institutions.

    We have successfully implemented project management, financing and procurement in a wide array of infrastructure construction projects such as natural resources management, effective use of land and water as well as sanitary hygiene, transport infrastructure and construction of public facilities. Accordingly, INTEGRATION pursues a holistic approach relating micro-level interventions with institutional activities and initiatives for national level policy changes in framework conditions.

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    Namibia, 2009/10 - 2018/11

    Project Background

    With a total budget of 36 million Euros the Namibian-German Special Initiative (NGSIP) contributed to the improvement of the living conditions of selected communities in rural areas. The NGSIP was a uniquely participatory rural development programme with 210 small and medium scale projects identified and managed by the selected communities.

    The project strategy is based on two interlinked pillars:

    1)The implementation of 210 small economic and social infrastructure projects related to

    • Schools, sports and youth, centre for disabled, community halls and housing (41 projects);
    • Multi-purpose cultural and community centres & commercial centres and housing (20 projects);
    • Agriculture (livestock distribution & gardens) (32 projects);
    • Water supply projects (boreholes) (115 projects);
    • Others (latrines, small feeder roads) (2 projects).

    2) The building of capacities at community level.

    Project Objectives

    Improvement in the living conditions of the communities in the identified rural regions by addressing the conditions of abject poverty in which many people live.

    Project Results

    • Establishment of the Programme Management Team in the execution of the Special Initiative as well as of the Technical Assistance
    • Social infrastructure programme, including 92 project assessments and agreed project shortlist
    • Terms of Reference for works and services, technical specifications for all short-listed projects
    • Tender documents established, tenders initiated, evaluated and awarded
    • Monitoring and evaluation system establishment

    Client: National Planning Commission of Namibia

    Contract value: € 5,886,708

    Funded by: German FC (KfW)

    Date: 06/10/2009 – 06/11/2018

    Work areas:

    • Regional & Rural Development

Our areas of specialisation:

Monitoring & Evaluation and Governance

  • Monitoring & Evaluation

    Based on many years of experience in mid-term and final evaluations at different levels, from projects and programmes to sectors and countries, this domain has developed into one of our key service areas.

    Of particular importance in this field is our long-standing experience with the European Commission's Result Oriented Monitoring (ROM) services. Furthermore, INTEGRATION regularly participates in respective framework contracts, such as the EC framework contract for the implementation of external aid.

    Capacity development is an integral part of all M&E projects and programmes. INTEGRATION has substantial experience with respective training programmes, covering all aspects of M&E and quality assurance measures during the entire project cycle.

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    Project Background

    ROM reviews aim to assist the European Commission’s (EC) services and EU Delegations (EUD) in monitoring of and reporting on EU financed development and cooperation projects and programmes in third countries through independent reviews of the progress of their implementation and the achievement of project results.

    Sectors covered include “Trade and Private sector development” , “Natural resources, environment, climate change”, “Sustainable agriculture”, “Employment and social protection”, and “Energy”, amongst others.

    Project Objectives

    Support the implementation of the EU’s development policy, and of the programmes and projects financed from the European Union’s general budget and the European Development Fund (EDF).

    Purpose of the Project:

    The purpose of the assignment is to organize and carry out ROM reviews and support, in accordance with the ROM Handbook, with a view to assist EC services and EUDs with respect to the monitoring of and reporting on EU funded projects.

    Project Activities:

    The ROM Contractor shall deliver:

    • A ROM workplan in order to propose the detailed organisational and methodological approach and set-up of the implementation of the assignment.
    • ROM reviews (up to 135 ROM reviews of single country projects, up to 20 ROM reviews of multi-country projects, up to 100 support missions for End of project results reporting and 5 ROM reviews of Budget Support programmes)
    • An annual consolidated analysis to report to EC HQ on the ROM reviews carried out during the year and the common features of the key findings of all ROM reviews carried out by the ROM Contractor
    • An annual report related to end of project results reporting support missions carried out by the ROM contractor which provides:

    a) an aggregation of actual results achieved by projects and programmes that have come to an end in the specified year focusing on indicators of the EU Development and Cooperation Results Framework, including the underlying results data for each completed project/ programme assessed in an annex;

    b) a summary assessment of the quality of indicators and data as well as of the constraints encountered by the Delegations/HQ units concerned in relation to results reporting.

    • All QC documentation for all ROM reviews and other support missions

    Client: European Commission

    Contract value: € 12,502,530

    Funded by: European Commission

    Date: 01/01/2015 - 30/04/2019

    Work areas:

    • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Governance

    Good governance is not only a goal of effective development cooperation – it is also a precondition for effective development work.

    INTEGRATION supports public institutions in partner countries to efficiently and transparently perform their duties and provide services to their citizens. To this end we support the development of effective and inclusive strategies and policies; develop leadership skills among key individuals and support the coordination among various stakeholders involved in a specific sector or topic.

    Our work includes institutional development; support in compliance issues and transparent management of public finances.

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    Colombia, 2017 - 2020

    Project Background

    As the second largest donor of funds from international cooperation in Colombia, the European Union (EU) has supported the Government development plans for the consolidation of peace since their beginning. Through the Indicative Multiannual Programme (MIP) 2014-2017, with an allocation of EUR 67 million, the EU aligns its cooperation commitments to the strategies set in the National Development Plan in two main sectors:

    (i) Local development and institutional strengthening: Sector Reform Contract to promote the sustainable local development and livelihoods of the population living in socially and environmentally sensitive areas through the sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resources. The programme will support the Green Growth in these specific areas.

    (ii) Sustainable trade and investment: Sector Reform Contract for Strategic Territorial Competitiveness in Colombia. The Sector Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism (MINCIT) defines three main pillars: 1) To increase exports for non-mining energy resources; 2) To increase productivity by 15% and business growth; and 3) To attract tourism leading to the generation of currency and employment; and two cross-cutting pillars for institutional strengthening and results-oriented management and budgeting.

    The main implementation modality for the MIP 2014-2017 is the Sector Reform Contract. From the total MIP budget of EUR 67 million, EUR 52.6 million (78.5%) are for Sector Reform Contracts, of which EUR 43 million (82%) are for Sector Budget Support and EUR 9.6 million (18%) for complementary support. The Sector Budget Support modality requires, besides other conditions, the existence of quality institutional capacities within the beneficiary governmental offices. Moreover, in light of a post-conflict scenario, the capacity building and development is the biggest challenge for the strengthening of public institutions and the fiscal capacity at all levels (horizontal and vertical).

    Project Objectives

    The Overall Objective of the contract is to “Provide Technical Assistance for efficiently and appropriately design, implement and assess development strategies related to EU cooperation.”

    The Specific Objective is to “Contribute to a better coordinated and implemented EU cooperation in order to reduce the operating costs and increase impact.”

    Project Results

    R.1 The capacities of the staff working in ministries, decentralized entities and other institutions involved in the actions arising from the EU MIP 2014-2017 are improved (including the actions approved within the framework of the AAP 2013) through targeted technical assistance based on demand.

    R.2 Interventions of the EU bilateral cooperation are aligned and coordinated with the needs of the Colombian Government for a possible post-conflict situation.

    R.3 An innovative, comprehensive and interactive Communications and Visibility Strategy for the EU development cooperation in Colombia is designed and implemented.

    Client: European Commission

    Contract value: € 1,908,500

    Funded by: European Commission

    Date: 23/01/2017 – 22/01/2020

    Work areas:

    • Governance

Our areas of specialisation:

Natural Resource Management

  • Natural Resource Management

    The sustainable management of natural resources is a key development challenge in many countries of the world. INTEGRATION supports in partners in efficiently managing natural resources with the objective to preserve them for future generations. Our support comprises policy and strategy development; capacity building for organisations and individuals; awareness raising and stakeholder coordination.

    Management of water resources is a particular focus area for INTEGRATION. Institutional capacity building in the fields of water and sanitary hygiene (WASH) and climate change adaptation measures such as management of water basins and catchment areas, sustainable water supply and integrated water resources management are thematic fields we have been serving.

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    Bolivia, 2017 - 2023

    Project Background

    The EU Country Strategy for Bolivia for the period 2014-2020 provides for a financial framework of EUR 281 million and includes within its three key sectors the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), with the Sector Reform Contract (SRC) as the main implementation modality. One of the main conditions for the implementation of SRCs is that the beneficiary government entities have quality institutional capacities to achieve the expected results.

    The Bolivian Government has actively promoted a decentralization and autonomy process in response to the low efficiency of state institutions and, in 2015, it approved the State Comprehensive Planning System (Sistema de Planificación Integral Estatal, SPIE) to address the weaknesses of the previous planning system and to enhance the alignment of tools for the long, medium and short terms. Even if there is already a roadmap that defines how to align national, regional and sector policies, there are still challenges concerning intersectoral and territorial coordination and institutional capacities are not strong enough to achieve good intersectoral, interinstitutional and intrainstitutional coordination and articulation for the implementation of those plans at the national and subnational levels.

    This suggests the clear need to implement a capacity building strategy for the institutions linked to the implementation of the SRCs. To do this, the EU intends to support the Bolivian Government through a Technical Assistance team in charge of developing and implementing a series of institutional strengthening actions to contribute to the impact and sustainability of the investments made in the Environment and Water sectors.

    Project Objectives

    • Overall Objective: To contribute to a better and more efficient implementation of the sector policies supported by the EU bilateral cooperation by strengthening the capacity of national institutions and other stakeholders to timely and efficiently design and implement their plans and strategies.
    • Specific Objective: To support a more effective implementation and sustainability of sector policies supported by the EU through Sector Budget Support Programmes (SBSP) in the water, sanitation and natural resources management sector.

    Project Results

    R1: Improved knowledge and use of the Sector Budget Support instrument by the MMAyA.

    R2: Strengthened technical capacities of the MMAyA for the design and implementation of policies, strategies and programmes. R3: The comprehensive approach in the planning and implementation of interventions among the three vice-ministries is improved. R4: Enhanced sector governance, both at the central, departmental and municipal levels, including autonomous entities, through an approach based on participation and transparency. R5: The sustainability of investments is ensured through the institutional strengthening at the central and subnational levels, as well as for autonomous entities in charge of community development. R6: Coordination between the several sector TAs improved by promoting synergies and reducing overlapping and duplicities.

    Main activities:

    1. To train and advice the MMAyA concerning the EU Sector Budget Support modality (R1)
    2. To support the update and implementation of the Sector Performance Assessment Framework, in particular by monitoring the compliance with the sector indicators of the two EU SBS (R1)
    3. To support the MMAyA for the development of visibility actions consistent with the SBS instrument (R1)
    4. To analyse and regularly update the overall situation of the ministries concerning their organizational and operational structure, their human resources, their information systems, procedures, completed and ongoing roadmaps, etc. (R2)
    5. To elaborate a peer-to-peer agenda for capacity building for the MMAyA with specific actions through trainings, workshops, internships, knowledge exchange, twinning programmes with public and/or private institutions in other countries, etc. and to implement the capacity building actions included in the Plan (R2)
    6. To strengthen the sector management following and integrated approach, promoting internal coordination and implementing a results-based approach (planning, implementation and monitoring based on sector targets and indicators, such as the Sector Performance Assessment Framework of the Sector Plan for Integrated Development) (R3)
    7. To support the implementation of sector roundtables as coordination forums between the three vice-ministries and to regularly monitor the compliance with conclusions and recommendations based on the minutes (R3)
    8. To promote quality and transparency in programming and implementing resources by participating in planning and accountability forums (R3)
    9. To elaborate an analysis of pre-investment, investment and capacity building processes in the Regional Governments, the Autonomous Municipal Governments and the associations of the Autonomous Municipal Governments. To prepare the corresponding Operational Manuals (R4)
    10. To support the implementation of the Environment and Water Information System (SIAM) in the Regional Governments and the Autonomous Municipal Governments to operate and transfer information to the central level of the MMAyA (R4)
    11. To develop strategies to strengthen the coordination and the decentralization processes to subnational levels (R5)
    12. To facilitate the appropriate distribution of responsibilities and the coordination among sector entities concerning operational issues (R5)
    13. To analyse the activities of other donors in the sector and to coordinate, under the supervision of the MMAyA and the EUD, with other donors, TAs and institutions in the sector (R6)
    14. To ensure the capitalization and exchange of knowledge related to the project implementation using the web platform capacity4dev.eu (R6)

    Client: European Commission

    Contract value: € 4,315,640

    Funded by: European Commission

    Date: 30/10/2017 - 28/01/2023

    Work areas:

    • Governance
    • Natural Resource Management

Since its establishment in 1976, INTEGRATION International Management Consultants has carried out a large number of assignments.
Please navigate the interactive map below to find out more about some of these projects.

Since its establishment in 1976, INTEGRATION International Management Consultants has carried out a large number of assignments.
Please navigate the interactive list below to find out more about some of these projects.

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